Saturday, July 17, 2010

12 hours along

At 12 hours along, after a second dose of the initial meds at 8:30am, and there is now a more regular pattern of contractions, however still not a whole lot of dilation going on. On the plus side, things are thinning out, and some stuff is moving into position, so they feel ok starting the next medication, as it allows finer control of the contractions. Sounds like it could still be quite a while before we finally get to meet Squirt.


Jo-Ann Kedy said...

thinking of you Sarah back here in NS..must be a girl in there being stubborn..

Karen said...

Wondering how you are doing Sarah...Praying for a quick and safe delivery. Take care xo

Anonymous said...

well let us know when it is done,we are lookin forward to hearing how are little neice or nephew is doin...hope things go well bro...