Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pumpkin People & Giant Pumpkins

Allrighty, so this post is a little late, but hey, better late than never, right? I believe this was the week before Halloween when we took this little road trip.

So earlier this week Sarah had a day off and we decided to take a trip to Kentville to see the pumpkin people and a few giant pumpkins. If you dont know where Kentville is, it is about 50 minutes northwest of Halifax on Hwy 101. I wasnt too sure what to expect of the pumpkin people, but mostly they look like elaborate scarecrows with painted pumpkins as their heads. I guess they do these every year, put them up all over town, and just in Kentville. I'm sure they dont make it past Halloween, we could already see some that had their heads removed.

We also stopped in Windsor to visit some friends, and went to Farmer Dills pumpkin patch, where there are some seriously huge pumpkins.

These things are so big that people race downriver in them. Crazy.

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