Saturday, July 17, 2010

19 hours

So the drug to get contractions going and the cervix dilated haven't been accomplishing a whole heck of a lot, except for bringing on the pain (which eventually brought the need for some morphine). But no real progress in the dilating department. We have word from the labor technicians (the ones who actually help the doctor deliver the baby) that the current plan is if there is no change at the next check, then they are going to take a break, let her eat something and take a shower, and then either restart the current treatment or try another approach. Our new nurse is here (shift change just happened) and she just confirmed that plan.

We really appreciate everyones prayers.


stacy nickerson said...

hey sarah hang in there hun this is the home stretch & lil bundle you have been blessed with. I pray its over for you & the baby soon. Cant wait to read the good news thanks for posting updates. I love you & take care...

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,

I know that it may seem like it is taking forever for this little peanut to make his or her arrival but rest as much as you can. It won't be much longer now!

Takr care!
